Q & A! - D-VOICE

Thursday ·

What is your favourite genre of music and why ?

R'nb , Cuz it's big, i mean u got a lot of types of rnb. U got the slow rnb , the fast rnb. but its always different ya know..

But im more that type of Slow. fo the ladies ( L )

but ill Always love SOUL ya digg !?!?

Who is your favourite artist in the game ?

Trey Songz and Lil Wayne, But i see bow makin steps, he'z gettin better nd better
Love for hiz Mixtape Greenlight.

Which artist do you aspire to be like?

I'm Always Me. I Listen to a lot of artists
but im me. nobody can changed that.
So Thats Who I Wanna Be '' ME "

What is your passion/interests aside from singing?

School. i think school is the most important. even when u're big.
An Artist need be Intelligent too, cuz without that, u gonn do stupid things.
So i wanna say to y'all; keep doin the things u like the most but stay focused at school
and keep doin ya homework, LOL :-)

What is next for D-Voice? What projects are you working on?

U Gonn Hear bout me soon
So dontcha worry


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